College Part II: Exam scores

So the first weekend of the month, I took my GED exam. The next weekend, the ACT. Early this week I got my GED scores. Today I got my ACT scores - although those were a surprise as they are really early.

In short, I passed both of them.

A standard total score of 3,000 on the GED, with a battery average of 600. I'm also in the top 15% of traditional high school graduates.

Then a 23 on the ACT, with a 6 on the writing - which isn't up to my usual standard for the writing, but I'll take it. more exams!

Excuse me while I take a moment to party my ass off now.

College Part I: Researching and The List

I have been wanting to create a post for a while now about college. Actually, I've still got one that's become more of a rant/place to vent than anything else still saved in my drafts, but I thought it was finally time to sit down, write a full post out, and actually hit the publish button. But first some information that is kinda, sorta needed so you aren't too lost.

  • I'm 17 at the moment - 18 the end of April
  • I have taken my GED exam and am waiting for it to be scored and have said scores be sent to me (I did not complete high school because of some very interesting, highly unnormal reasons)
  • I'm going to major in Interior Design
  • I want either a BFA (bachelor of fine arts, 3 years) or BA (bachelor of arts, 4 years) degree when it's all said and done (I haven't picked either one or the other because that narrows down the list of schools by a lot)
  • A portfolio is something that all schools require for admissions into an interior design program
  • I am shit at drawing and thus have nothing to put in a portfolio except for one or two bedroom concept drawings that each took a couple days to complete, and more erasing than I care to admit
  • I am using google way past it's extent to learn to draw as well as I possibly can, with as many different subjects as possible so that come mid-summer I will be able to start putting together a portfolio
  • I am just now taking my ACT exams this Saturday, and will be extremely upset if I get anything lower than a 23 (which means I'll be retaking them if I get lower than a 23)

Oh and then there's one other teensy tiny little thing...

  • I live in the middle of nowhere, Illinois.


Which means, ladies and gents, that I am at least 1,000 miles away from any college I can apply to. Fun yes? No.

Why? Because this makes things more difficult.

1) College fairs at the local community college do nothing for me. I do not care about being a mechanic or hair dresser. These careers do not concern me.

2) Visiting campuses? Only in my dreams.

3) Even just going to a more local school that is somewhat like the ones I'm applying to so I can get a feel for what it's like? Well, I'm still waiting for someone to decide to build one.

So I'm stuck with my BFF, Google, and that's it.

Now normally this means you've got a sign above your head that reads 'You're Screwed!', but my BFF has yet to fail me and told me about a lovely site called The Princeton Review. Who has become my new BFF, but don't tell Google I said that.

And what do I find at TPR? A search engine for colleges. But it's not just any college search engine. Oh no. It can dwindle down a list for me by:
  • State/Region
  • Lists (Best Green Colleges, Best Midwest Colleges, ect.)
  • Total Enrollment
  • Campus
  • Public/Private
  • Majors
  • Activities
  • Sports
  • Greek Life
  • ROTC
  • "Can I Get In?"

Which just makes things awesome. Because I know the size of the college I want to attend, I know the regions I'm comfortable with living in (coast lines, nothing that doesn't at least almost border an ocean), I know I prefer private schools over public schools, I don't care about greek life, sports, activities, or rotc. And I obviously know my major. See? It's fan-freaking-tasticaly grand!

And then there's that lovely 'can I get in?' section. Which means you fill out a little form telling them your gpa and exam scores, as well as how active you are in sports and student activities and bam! TPR tells you if a school is a safety, match, or reach, as well as what these terms mean. want to try applying to a couple reach schools? Awesome. You can find a list of those schools in seconds. Need a couple more safety schools because you're worried you won't get in elsewhere? Alright. You've got a list of those too. And same goes for those match schools that are just right for you.

It's all right there. It's like a high school counselor, without the constant 'APPLY, APPLY, APPLY' and 'COLLEGE, COLLEGE, COLLEGE' in your ear. Actually, I think TPR can tell you more than the average counselor could anyway.

Oh, and get this. You want the website, phone or fax number, or even pictures of the school and their address? They have all that too. Because every school has their own 'profile page' of sorts with all that information, and more.

Fast-forward and I've got a list of schools.

my schools

So out of these Syracuse and Salem are my only Reach schools - neither of which I'd be too sad about if I don't get in. They're pretty much only on my list so that I have a larger pool of colleges that I'm applying to, just so I feel like my eggs are spread out into more baskets, so to speak.

As for Match schools, I've got Arcadia, Converse, Parsons, Pratt and WSU. Again, I'm not going to be too bent out of shape if I don't get into any of them. In fact, the only reason I'm applying to Pratt is just that. To apply. To see if I can get accepted. Because let's face it, pretty much any parent would be proud to say 'my daughter was accepted to Pratt'. Okay and I also want to be able to say that.

But really, all of the schools that I'm going to be super nervous about getting either a big fat no from, or a pretty package full of information from are Safety schools. Which, from what I can gather from hours upon hours of researching for college, isn't exactly the norm. Apparently, the norm is having an even - or close to even - distribution of schools in all three categories. But even if I tried to find more schools to even it out, it wouldn't happen. Because I have tried. Everything else is either the most shitastic excuse for a college I've ever seen, or it's in A) California or B) Texas. Both states are hot and icky and the weather quite literally makes me physically ill.

So what does all this equate, ladies and gents? My having my ego inflated a bit more than I'd like. And what's sure to be an interesting appointment with the local high school counselor I go to once in a while with college questions.

Wedding Fever

I really feel sorry for whoever is stupid enough to be the one who proposes to me. Because knowing me, I'll say yes to the first guy I feel I could put up with for the rest of my life. Of course I'd first pester him to make sure it isn't some cruel ass joke because I can't see anyone ever wanting to ask me that, but that's beside the point.

Point is, I have yet again started planning my wedding. I'm not engaged. I'm not in a relationship. Not even dating. I'm single as you can get without being asexual. But I can't help it. I grew up around tough girls and a lot of boys. I've never really been much a of girly girl. But then someone mentions weddings and I'm all over that shit like a kitten with catnip. Although my tastes have changed over the years, I'm still all over that shit.

When I was little I wanted a big wedding with everyone my future fiancee and I collectively knew there. A big ass dress. At the church I grew up in. Now I'll admit I'm not Catholic. But the wedding I wanted was pretty much what you'd think of when someone says 'Catholic wedding'. Minus the religious parts that only Catholics do. Because again, I'm not Catholic.

Now? Well simple. But not. Simple dress, but not too plain. With a vintage feel to it. Long sleeves? Sure, if I love the dress. Just as long as they are lace. Although my top dresses are mostly strapless, with the one exception of the long sleeve, lace dress. Outside. In the fall. Because apparently I'm the only person on earth who can go outside in 0 degree (F) weather in a tank top, basketball shorts, and boots and be comfortable, and I'd rather not everyone else be bitching because we're outside in the snow. And coats? One of the most uncomfortable outerwear pieces every made. So fall would make everyone at least somewhat happy, and little to no bitching about it being 'cold'. (FYI, 40-60 degrees is not fucking cold.) And themed. Yes themed. But not like masquerade or some shit. Vaudeville meets rustic meets vintage. Three things that I love and go together quite nicely when you know what you're doing. So simple because its not some giant BDF thing like when I was little. But not takes a lot of extra bits and pieces for an outside wedding.

Think about it. You have to buy ALL the lights. Me? I'm thinking candles on the tables and paper lanterns strung up above. Don't ask me about lights for when the first dance and that crap happens. I haven't gotten that far. And then you have to make sure you have somewhere for everyone to park that isn't 100 miles from your location, getting furniture there for everything - usually including a 'lounge' area. You also have to remember that there is no building. No reception room or anything where there are usually some things provided by the owners. Everything that you normally don't worry too much have to provide as well. So...simple. But not.

Now back to that whole I-feel-sorry-for-future-fiancee thing. Because I highly doubt weddings will come up until after the proposal that I will swear is a big fucking cruel as joke that I'll kill him for, I doubt he'll know this about me. And since I'm not ~girly, he won't expect it. At all.

So, dear future fiancee that I'll initially think is an asshole who likes playing cruel jokes, I'm sorry. For the kick in the balls that will probably happen before I cry my eyes out and jump you. And for the total batshit crazy I'll end up releasing onto you the second after I calm down and get that ring on my finger. Love, your future totally-batshit-crazy fiancee.

Hush, Hush review

To get started think of Twilight. The first one. And make sure you're thinking of the book, not the shitty movie. Got it? Now move the story from Forks, Washington to a fictional place in Maine near Portland called Coldwater. Take Bella and make her a more fleshed out version of herself with a blood disorder and red hair. as for Edward...scrap the romance, discoball like skin, and surprisingly fanglessness and put a badass, leather wearing, cocky fallen angel in his place. And keep the stalker tendencies. Now you are ready to read Hush, Hush...or read my opinion of it.

Okay, so I will admit that I was drawn to the book by the cover. Or was recommended to me a while back, put at the bottom of the list because the name somehow reminds me of Shiver, which I refuse to even touch. Then I went to Wally World and what do my wondering eyes land on? Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. And I thought the cover was amazing and might just be better than Fallen or its sequel Torment when it comes to cover art. Now, we all now that vampies are fading out and angels are taking their place, right? Well, I've read Fallen, but Torment is not out yet. So I picked up Hush, Hush thinking it would be a good skimmer to read while I wait for Torment to come out. I was right. And way, way wrong.

Hush, Hush is a good book. But definitely not a skimmer. Not even close. For YA books, I usually let the writing slide if its not always amazing just for the simple fact that these are written or teens, not scholars, and most teens won't even notice, much less bat an eyelash at a typo or grammatical error. Or even writing that's just poorly written as long as its interesting. Or in some cases, the main character is hot. But I digress. So...back to Hush, Hush. The writing is good. Great actually. The characters aren't Mary Sues. Or whatever the fuck the male equivilent is to that either. Everything's fleshed out. No plotholes, nothing leaving you thinking "WTF" by the end, and everything that's not fully explained, is something that - by the summary and info on Becca Fitzpatrick's website - will be explained in Cressendo.

But, all of this is not it. The characters are also lovable. You'll be laughing at Vee and her jokes and jabs at Nora throughout, routing for Nora while she tries to figure everything out - even though Vee doesn't always go along with everything because its a bit out there, falling for Patch, uncomfortable with Elliot, and just overall  completely in love with the book.

And really this is about as much as I can give you without spoilers so I'll just shut the fuck up and you can go read it now. Okay? Good.

Eclipse review - spoilers ahead

So, last night like many other Twihards I went and saw Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse. Now, Twilight and New Moon are two movies that I've seen numerous times, but seeing them again on the big screen is awesome. Plus its not very often my little small town theater has a triple feature. In fact this was the first.

Now, just to get the feel of how I was feeling that night, imagine this. I have been up since about 6 am going to appointments for different things I had that day. So I was running around town with no coffee or caffeine in my system until about noon. Then I had house cleaning and a few other things to do until about 4 at which time I was tired. I almost wanted to skip the movies and take a nap. But I didn't. I changed and got ready for the movies and even went to WalMart to get drinks and candy to sneak into the theater.

If you're still with me here, its now 6.45 pm ad I'm heading into the theater after standing in a line that's half the length on the mall with a bunch of weird people who for some odd reason haven't read the books and have no idea what they are going to be watching in a few hours other than what they know from the first two movies.

Normally things like this are done in Theaters 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, and 10. This one wasn't. It was in theaters 1, 2, 5, and 6. Now my theater is in the middle of being redesigned. So while theaters 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, and 10 have these awesome really comfy big seats, the rest of them have seats that they have had since the 90s and the bottom where its bolted to the ground is rusted and they squeak with every tiny movement. Not very comfortable. At all. And guess what theater I was in. 5, which meant the shittastic seats that needed to become BFFs with the local garbage dump.

But I'm stubborn as hell so I put up with it. And Twilight began. It was cool, could have been better, but I liked it. My mind seemed to decide to also remind me of all the little things I forgot from the book that were and weren't in the movie, which made it even better for me. By now, my ass is asleep and my entire body is in pain from these old shitty seats that I am in. It also doesn't help that I suffer from some not so mild back pain and I hadn't taken any pain killers before going to the movies, nor had I brought any with me.

There was a 5 minute intermission that turned into being a 15 minute one. Me, not knowing this decided to grab my cell and text people who I wish could have come with me and read my book I brought along for the hour before Eclipse started when I would have nothing to do. I wasn't hungry, and even if I was I smuggled in a soda and candy, and at this point I didn't need to use the restroom. So I sat with my ache-y body and numb ass thinking I'd only need to wait five minutes. It turned into 15 and by the time New Moon started I was very close to asking someone to hold my seat while I walked down to Dollar General to see if they were still open and hopefully buy some extra strength tylenol.

But I didn't want to miss any of New Moon seeing as how I only got to see it once on the big screen the first time around. So I sat. And every time there was a lot of noise I was shifting positions thanks to the shitastic seats tat gave me a numb ass and back pain. New Moon was awesome and Edward breaking the cellphone made me tear up a bit, just like the first time I saw it.

New Moon is over now. I have about 1 hour of waiting in this shitty seat before Eclipse starts. Dollar General is now closed, as is everything else in the mall. And the people sitting next to me have moved to sit with some friends in a different theater with awesomely comfortable seats because they know a guy who works at the theater and is letting them do this. Fuck them. I now have no one to hold my seat and there is no way I am getting up to walk around and leave my purse in my seat for anyone to go through as they wish. I have food and caffinated beverages in it that I do not want stolen. Along with a crappy cellphone, some change, a book from the library that a friend was making me read, and my tickets. And even though I couldn't give a shit less about them, I'd really rather not have them stolen either. 3 of those things I would have to dish out some money to replace that I don't really have at the moment. Plus, I also really didn't want to have my library card taken from me and be banned from the library for a month. That would suck major balls in my opinion. So I sit for an entire fucking hour texting people that I wish were with me and reading while these 8 really fat people that I'm surprised aren't in wheelchairs because that are THAT lazy try to squeeze by me into their seats in the eight inches of space between my legs and the back of the seat in front of them. At one point some lady's ass comes within an inch of my face and I am very close to tripping her or something for doing that because it was a very horrifying four seconds of my life.

Finally Eclipse starts - late I might add, but by the time I see Summit's logo and the solar eclipse comes on the screen I couldn't care less about that because my inner fangirl is being the best fangirl she has ever been. Only problem is that there's only one other person in the entire theater that is also fangirling this movie as hard as I am and she is sitting in the very back while I'm in the third row, first seat. This doesnt' bother me though. Nor does the fact that I am wishing I had a 5 hour fucking nap earlier and I need to piss like niagra falls by this point. Why you may ask? Because Eclipse is turning out to be the second best fantasy film I have seen in a pretty damned long time. the only thing better was Harry Potter, but that's a given.

Let me break it down for you. Basically the best things about Eclispe are as follows, in random order:
  • Jaxper's accent. The guy finally get's to say more than two sentences and boy does he nail it. They guy is from the south - both Jasper the character, and Jackson, the actor playing him - and while Jackson normally doesn't have a giant southern twang to his voice or anything, Jasper does. And its not annoying at all, which is saying something for me because I have only heard one southern accent before that DIDN'T annoy the fuck out of me. Its actually pretty damn hot. In fact, I may just have to find a ringtone of him saying something in that voice because its that damned hot. I really want to make it a law that he has to talk in that southern drawl all the time, but I would probably end up dying or exploding or something at some point because I would listen to it all the damned time.
  • Leg hitch. If you've read the books or seen the movie, you KNOW what I'm talking about. Its this thing that just makes anyone - except close minded Team Failcob fans - smile and squeal and possibly say something along the lines of "FINALLY" a bit too loudly the first time they read or see it. Because Edward is a huge fucking recluse when it comes to physical stuff. Like Bella told Charlie, Edward is very old fashion. And leg hitch movie version? Yeah...its pretty damned fucking hot. I'm pretty sure if I had a cell phone with video on it, I'd have been recording that shit and added it to my collection of extremely hot non-porn pics, gifs, and video folder on my laptop. It was perfect. Beyond perfect really. Everything was up close and the different shots faded together flawlessly. Think sexy, hot, rated R movie sex that's all close ups and pretty background music with each shot fading into the next one, slightly overlapping and all together it looks sexy and more like making love than hot raunchy sex against a wall or some shit. That's what this little piece of heaven was. Except with clothes on and within the PG-13 rating. Oh and then its all cockblocked from going further by Edward. Yeah. Although I mentally cheered Bella on almost getting Edward's shirt completely off before he stopped her. It was unbuttoned AND untucked fully. *sigh* If only she had pushed it off his shoulders. *ahem* Anyway...
  • Tent scene. Nuff said. Its awesome, Edward's moody and pissed just like he should be and Jacob needs his fucking smile smacked off his face. Oh and Bella just get's enough teeth chattering and stuttering in there to make you believe she's cold as hell without going overboard or annoying you with the noises it causes. ;) And this is all without Jacob and Edward even talking. Add that part in and its abso-fucking-lutely perfect.
  • Bella punching Jacob. If the weird chick next to me hadn't have been Team Failcob, I would have cheered that girl on like she had just killed the terminator with a machine gun in an all leather suit or some shit. It was amazing. Hilarious, but amazing. Why hilarious you ask? Because Kristen pulls this all serious 'I'm totally going to give him a black eye for this shit' face, and as soon as her fist and his face meet, her jaw drops and her eyes go wide with surprise at how he somehow didn't feel any pain, much less move and she's got what she thinks its a broken hand and possibly a wrist as well. Really, its just plain awesome.
  • The third wife. If you would have asked me what would be left out of this movie, the first thing out of my mouth would have been 'the third wife'. But no. It was there. The entire story of the third wife was THERE. And while Jake and Edward don't talk about it, it IS there when Billy talks about it at the counsel meeting. Its all shirtless village full of indians and two vampires and a couple of horse sized wolves all fighting and then this random middle aged chick grabbing her dead son's knife and stabbing herself in the stomach. Yes. Its all in there. I was shocked. And amazed. And really wanting to fly to where ever David Slade was at that moment and give him a giant bear hug.
  •  Fight scene. All I'm gonna say was that it was awesome and much hotter than it should be seeing as how when someone's dead is punched off - yes, punched off - it looks like broken glass and the sound effects were really odd because these people are vampires and when they collide they sound like fucking boulders colliding for Christ's sake. AKA, much different than humans sound when punching and ripping each other into pieces. The only thing about it was that they kept cutting to Bree a lot, even though she's a nobody until the Volturi get there and Bella sees her (in the book).
  • Bree Tanner book scene. Basically, for those who have read Bree Tanner, there's a scene in the movie that basically puts a few different scenes from Bree Tanner into the film, very nicely. Granted, I wish that we got to see Bree and Fred together in there, it was awesome that there was a nod to the novella in there too.
  • The proposal...the one where Bella says yes. I'm not saying anything about this other than I can't even remember the last time I cried - because I'm extremely cynical and crying is extremely rare for me - but I cried when this scene was playing. Its amazing and I want to stand up and give it a standing ovation.
  • The Cullens. Usually we see a tiny bit of the Cullen clan in the films and not a lot of how close they are all, as well as how close Bella is to them. In this, we get to see it. Not a ton, but for the people who didn't read the books, they now get to understand just how close everyone is better than in Twilight or New Moon. We get to see how even though Jasper has difficulty being around Bella, they do wish that they could be closer, but understand the dangers of that. We get to see just how much Rose and Bella don't get along and how much Emmett loves Bella and how much he sees her as a little sister he never had. We also get to see a bit more of the mother in Esme and how she sees Bella as her own daughter. Just like we also get to see even more how much Alice loves Bella and even though she likes to make her up like a barbie doll and other girly things that annoy Bella, they are still the best of friends and sisters as well. Then we have Carlisle. While we get to see him as a doctor in Twilight and New Moon, we don't get to see too much of how he's like the leader of the family. The one everyone goes to for help. In Eclipse we get to see a bit more of that while they plan on what to do about the killings in Seattle and a bit of the plan about the fight before handing it over to Jasper, since he has the know how about that.
  • Rosalie's and Jasper's stories. While I don't think Nikki would be a good actress for a period piece with that blonde wig and dark eyebrows, I liked that they showed her story in the film even though Nikki looks better in clothes from this century. Jasper's on the other hand was just epic. There's these pieces where he's riding on horse back where my mind went to the gutter and other's where its close ups of him making out semi-hardcore with that Maria chick. Its hot. All of it. And I loved that they put it in the film even though I didn't get to see his scares because some idiot in front of me stood up to leave for some reason at that time so I missed it.
  • Bella's scare from James. I loved that they put it in New Moon. But it was very silvery and very much would make any normal person go 'wtf!?' if they saw it and would raise questions with her peers at school. Eclipse still has it there, but its much less noticeable to the passerby. Her vains around the bite mark are more visible, but the actual bite mark its self matches her skin tone better and is harder to see. Which makes it better in my opinion.
  • Humor. The movie had it. It needed it with all the love proclaiming and fighting in there - which are two different spectrums that are hard to put together into one movie like that. But the humor in the film made it easier and balanced everything out very well. And it was also not so much of things like the "charlie's halo/gun cock" scene in Twilight, but it was very much more verbal and so there was more laughter than for something like Twilight where people basically went "oh haha, did you see what they did there?" Yeah....really the humor is just more laughable for everyone in this film where as things like Charlie's scene stealers in Twilight are for only a certain type of person, everyone laughed at thought the humor in Eclipse was funny.
Really, just go see the fucking thing. Its epic. It hasn't even been 24 hours since I've seen it and I already want to have the DVD in my hands or a pirated version so that I can watch it again and again and again. Because seeing it in theaters is expensive and I'd like to see it without being in a room full of people who have apparently not read the books. :)

I really need to stop watching this movie....

So, I was watching Sweet Home Alabama (again) because its been on TV a lot lately, and when you don't own a movie, its a lot smarter to watch it if its on TV than going and renting it all the time. Now, being someone who grew up in southern Illinois and participated in many 'redneck' type games and such, it makes me want to do those things again. But, since the main two of those things means owning or knowing someone who owns a truck - which I fit under neither of those categories - I can't do them. Which sucks. A lot.

Like mudding. Now, unless you listen to country music and have seen a music video with mudding in it, or you yourself have been mudding, you probably have no idea what the hell I'm talking about. But trust me, when I say that this is something everyone needs to do at least once in their life. Its amazing. And so much fun. But you must have a jeep, truck, or a 4x4 something that has a motor. Preferably that is enclosed. Otherwise, there will be mud on you (which will happen anyway if you get stuck) and the interior of your vehicle. Despite the mud though, it is a lot of fun, like I said. [p.s. if you ever do this, make sure you know someone who can come and help pull you out if you get stuck. Otherwise you're SOL]

The pits. This is probably something most people haven't done. Well, basically there is the place in the area that I grew up in that has tons of pot holes. And since its out in the boonies, the city doesn't fit them up. Yes, this is stupid to do because its like using NoS in your car, but its fun. Just like NoS is fun. And, in case you haven't caught on here yet, you basically drive around this big area and you're bouncing all over the place because of all the pot holes. (Like I said, its not good for your vehicle, but neither is NoS.) And this will NOT work in a car. At all. The whole 4x4 something rule applies here too.

Weddings. Yes, we have a difference in weddings when compared to say, some Manhattan NYC couple's wedding. Usually, no one gives a shit if kids long as they are at least around 13+, which is one big difference. Then there's the fact that we usually do the hoke-y poke-y, the duck dance, and all those other stupid little kid dances that you hear about people doing at weddings. And while the bride and groom and being all big smiles and dancing? Yeah, a select few of us (usually the drunk as hell BFFs of the bride and groom) go outside and trash the outside of the B&G's car. Like, window paint, tin cans tied to the back, and anything else the BFFs can think to decorate the car with that won't ruin it. And then there's just the general wedding. Its fun and some absolutely hilarious stuff happens there, but a lot of people who aren't used to things like that would look at it and think "complete trainwreck" when its not. We just have fun differently.

And then there's some other stuff too, but I'm tired and don't want to bore you further.

P.S. PSA: this is from my personal experience. Not everyone from the south is like this. (example: Tampa, Florida. That is south, but they are not like this.) And not everyone from the south has a hillbilly or deep southern accent. Mm'kay? :)

Alice in Wonderland - Spoilers ahead

So...I went to see Alice in Wonderland yesterday. And I'm going to again next week when my brother visits me. And I loved it so much that I decided to turn all my fangirling over it into a blog post. There are spoilers galore below this, so if you haven't seen it, I HIGHLY advise you to NOT read this until you have. Hopefully, all my ramblings can be written into little categories so its not too fangirl-y.


I figured I should start with this since its something that everyone knows about it and its one thing that makes it stand out from most movies. Now, keep in mind the last movie I saw in 3-D was Spy Kids 3-D in...2002(?). First, the glasses are no longer paper which is something that I really liked because the paper ones bend/break/rip easily. Plastic doesn't. They resemble Ray Bans a little which is even better. Now, the actual expierence of this movie in 3-D...I can't even think of this movie any other way than in 3-D. Its amazing. Before the trailers even come on a screen with a pretty green background and the White Rabbit comes on telling you to put on the glasses. Then the lights dim and the trailers 3-D. Which definitely didn't happen in Spy Kids. And like most of the audience I was in awe of the fabulous work that was right in front of me. There were many times that I wanted to just reach out to touch something, but quickly remembered that I'd look like an idiot since its fake. And then like any curious person watching a 3-D movie, I took off the glasses for a moment to see the difference. Now remember those ugly blue and red lines around everything in the older 3-D movies like Spy Kids? Yeah, those are GONE. Completely. If anything its just slightly blurry, but otherwise there's no difference other than its not as cool.

The Actors/acting/Tim Burton's general amazingness

Helena Bonham Carter - she was brillant as always. And the blown up head doesn't even look out of place. She owns that head and her character The Red Queen even thinks that the bigger the better. Her court even has at least something about them that's fake and extremely big. One has a nose fit for Pinocchio, another has stuffed his pants and shirt so he looks like he has an extremely fat tummy, and yet another has giant ears. Of course, there's the little quirks of Helena's that I noticed like the way in close ups she squints her eyes slightly (you can see a lot of this in Sweeney Todd), but it doesn't take me out of it at all...I still see The Red Queen in front of me and not Helena. Everything about her performance is amazing and completely believable. I won't be surprised if next her she is nominated for a few awards...and possibly win some of them as well.

Johnny Depp - *sigh* Where to begin with Johnny? The British accent, the way he can portray all of the Hatter's emotions so well on his face, or perhaps the light lisp he gives his character? Overall Johnny has done amazing as he always does, which shouldn't be a surprise by now. Alice in Wonderland is set in London (I'm guessing 1700s-1800s) and so all of Underland (or Wonderland as Alice calls it) has a British accent. Now, Johnny is amazing at faking this and if I didn't know any better I'd say its his normal accent. Its a bit stronger in a few places and a little on the weak side in others, but its always there. Then his character has this space between his two front teeth which makes him have a slight lisp. Again, he has it perfected to a "T" and doing that on top of the British accent is just astounding. His character the Mad Hatter also likes to show all his emtions through his face, all of which are very close to the surface and not very deep or complex at all. And even though Johnny wears various colors of contacts throughout the film, his hair "deflats" slightly, and the bow tie he wears will "inflate" or "deflate" slightly as well, Johnny does the best at wearing the Mad Hatter's emotions as possible. There's nothing more you could do unless there was a sign on his forhead saying "happy", "sad", "angry", and ect in flashing neon lights. And even though in the trailer where he walks across the table he walks slightly like he does in 'Pirates' throughout the film he doesn't do this at all. In fact, in most of Johnny's other films there's this slightly unrealistic grace that he gives his characters and in this one there isn't. The Mad Hatter isn't a klutz per say, but he definitely doesn't have that confident walk that Sweeney does or the shyness of Ikabod. In fact, the only reason his walking even resembles that of Jack is because the table is a lot of smaller tables put together that aren't too sturdy, which you can see in the movie much better than you can in the trailer. Throughout the film you can't help but want Alice to end up with him because of how well he bonds with Alice throughout the film and even though this is a children's film there's this certain level of UST* between the two characters that Johnny is just fantastic at showing. The fight at the end gives Mad Hatter a bit of confidence and watching Johnny as Mad Hatter fight is a sight to see. And then within the last moments you are not wanting him to go away at all. Really, I was just wanting him to take Alice into a big hug and tell her not to leave him mainly because I couldn't seem to get enough of him even though he's in easily three fourths of the film - if not more.

Alan Rickman - Okay, first, YES HE IS IN THIS FILM. Second, he's an animated character, but he is still amazing in it. Its hard when you are relying on only your voice and what the animators can do to be able to have your character not fall flat. Now, this IS a Tim Burton film after all and he's known for using the same actors in many films. And so the fact that Alan is in this is not surprising at all and I couldn't have picked a better character for Alan to be at all. He's almost a hero that no one really thinks about. Just someone left at the sidelines. But as the Caterpillar, he gives Alice adivce all throughout her journey and helps her keep moving forward. And Alan has the best voice for someone who's supposed to be that "wise-something[I vote pot]-smoking-underrated-character" that I've ever heard.

Crispin Glover - Now, usually he isn't the best looking guy out there. But as the Knave of Hearts, he is amazing and easily plays the Red Queen right into his hand until the very end. Its very easy for you to forget that he is supposed to basically be the evil minion, and while you may not fall in love with his character, he is someone you won't be waiting to just get off the screen either. Basically, he's good at what he does and is brilliant for this movie even though he's not who most would pick for a Tim Burton film.

Anne Hathaway - Okay, Anne is the only thing about this entire movie that I was seriously hating....until I saw the film. She's surprisingly perfect for this film and her role of the White Queen. Now, the White Queen is basically all the good in the world rolled into one package that just so happen to take the form of a human being. She's extremely pale, wears all white - even her hair is white, and walks around with her arms held up in this extremely graceful manner at all times. Anne has this finese about her that just fits for her role and the way she can speak so slowly, but not bore you to death also works for her in this film.

Mia Wosikowska - Now, during all the trailers and clips for AIW, I always thought she was an odd fit for the role of Alice, and her hair in the beginning urked me to no end with the braids - it made her head look odd. But after she falls down the rabbit hole and the braids were set lose I could get into her role better and realized that she is actually perfect for the role of Alice - reguardless of what I thought beforehand. Now, I'm not saying her acting wasn't good at the beginning, it was...I just couldn't get past the odd braided hairstyle very well. She's exactly what Alice should roughly look like when she is 19, and the way she shows Alice's growth throughout the film is perfect. And as I said before, her relationship with the Mad Hatter is perfect even though nothing - sadly - ever comes of it.

Tim Burton - Oh Tim. How I love your work. I've heard so many people dis this film because Tim has made it "too dark" or "its nothing like the original" but that's the point. Tim is dark and gothic. Point blank. That's his style. And its not SUPPSOED to be like the original, this is 8 years later. A "what if" if you may. But let's remember that this is supposed to be a children's story. And Tim knows that. There's just enough of the bright colors, silliness, and child-like-humor for kids to enjoy it, but there's also everything - minus ANY type of physical affection except UST* - that adult and teens will enjoy it as well. And he has paid attention to detail as well. Remember the talking flowers? They're in there. The chess board style ground? That's there too. Even the random objects that Alice almost runs into while she's falling down the rabbit hole. There's just so much attention to the little things and the details that its amazing. Hell, the Mad Hatter even has a few fingers wrapped - as well as a few bruises and cuts - from working, remember he IS a hat/dress maker after all. And then the whole 3-D thing is just the icing on the cake for how amazing this film was.


Well, its well known by Tim Burton fans that he always uses Danny Elfman except for only one or two films - Sweeney Todd being one of these. But even from the opening credits, I was in love with the score. Danny get's Tim. This may be from working with him for so long, but there's just something that clicks when Danny is working on a Burton film. Being a music person myself, I always pay attention to the background music, and I must say that it fit beautifully with what was going on at the time, and fit the emotions of the chatacters perfectly as well.

Basically, this movie is pure win and after seeing it a second time I will most likely have more to say about it.

*UST stands for unresolved sexual tension. Basically, those times in movies where you're thinking "OMG! Just kiss her already! Or hug her or just....something!"