So, I was watching Sweet Home Alabama (again) because its been on TV a lot lately, and when you don't own a movie, its a lot smarter to watch it if its on TV than going and renting it all the time. Now, being someone who grew up in southern Illinois and participated in many 'redneck' type games and such, it makes me want to do those things again. But, since the main two of those things means owning or knowing someone who owns a truck - which I fit under neither of those categories - I can't do them. Which sucks. A lot.

Like mudding. Now, unless you listen to country music and have seen a music video with mudding in it, or you yourself have been mudding, you probably have no idea what the hell I'm talking about. But trust me, when I say that this is something everyone needs to do at least once in their life. Its amazing. And so much fun. But you must have a jeep, truck, or a 4x4 something that has a motor. Preferably that is enclosed. Otherwise, there will be mud on you (which will happen anyway if you get stuck) and the interior of your vehicle. Despite the mud though, it is a lot of fun, like I said. [p.s. if you ever do this, make sure you know someone who can come and help pull you out if you get stuck. Otherwise you're SOL]

The pits. This is probably something most people haven't done. Well, basically there is the place in the area that I grew up in that has tons of pot holes. And since its out in the boonies, the city doesn't fit them up. Yes, this is stupid to do because its like using NoS in your car, but its fun. Just like NoS is fun. And, in case you haven't caught on here yet, you basically drive around this big area and you're bouncing all over the place because of all the pot holes. (Like I said, its not good for your vehicle, but neither is NoS.) And this will NOT work in a car. At all. The whole 4x4 something rule applies here too.

Weddings. Yes, we have a difference in weddings when compared to say, some Manhattan NYC couple's wedding. Usually, no one gives a shit if kids long as they are at least around 13+, which is one big difference. Then there's the fact that we usually do the hoke-y poke-y, the duck dance, and all those other stupid little kid dances that you hear about people doing at weddings. And while the bride and groom and being all big smiles and dancing? Yeah, a select few of us (usually the drunk as hell BFFs of the bride and groom) go outside and trash the outside of the B&G's car. Like, window paint, tin cans tied to the back, and anything else the BFFs can think to decorate the car with that won't ruin it. And then there's just the general wedding. Its fun and some absolutely hilarious stuff happens there, but a lot of people who aren't used to things like that would look at it and think "complete trainwreck" when its not. We just have fun differently.

And then there's some other stuff too, but I'm tired and don't want to bore you further.

P.S. PSA: this is from my personal experience. Not everyone from the south is like this. (example: Tampa, Florida. That is south, but they are not like this.) And not everyone from the south has a hillbilly or deep southern accent. Mm'kay? :)