To get started think of Twilight. The first one. And make sure you're thinking of the book, not the shitty movie. Got it? Now move the story from Forks, Washington to a fictional place in Maine near Portland called Coldwater. Take Bella and make her a more fleshed out version of herself with a blood disorder and red hair. as for Edward...scrap the romance, discoball like skin, and surprisingly fanglessness and put a badass, leather wearing, cocky fallen angel in his place. And keep the stalker tendencies. Now you are ready to read Hush, Hush...or read my opinion of it.

Okay, so I will admit that I was drawn to the book by the cover. Or was recommended to me a while back, put at the bottom of the list because the name somehow reminds me of Shiver, which I refuse to even touch. Then I went to Wally World and what do my wondering eyes land on? Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. And I thought the cover was amazing and might just be better than Fallen or its sequel Torment when it comes to cover art. Now, we all now that vampies are fading out and angels are taking their place, right? Well, I've read Fallen, but Torment is not out yet. So I picked up Hush, Hush thinking it would be a good skimmer to read while I wait for Torment to come out. I was right. And way, way wrong.

Hush, Hush is a good book. But definitely not a skimmer. Not even close. For YA books, I usually let the writing slide if its not always amazing just for the simple fact that these are written or teens, not scholars, and most teens won't even notice, much less bat an eyelash at a typo or grammatical error. Or even writing that's just poorly written as long as its interesting. Or in some cases, the main character is hot. But I digress. So...back to Hush, Hush. The writing is good. Great actually. The characters aren't Mary Sues. Or whatever the fuck the male equivilent is to that either. Everything's fleshed out. No plotholes, nothing leaving you thinking "WTF" by the end, and everything that's not fully explained, is something that - by the summary and info on Becca Fitzpatrick's website - will be explained in Cressendo.

But, all of this is not it. The characters are also lovable. You'll be laughing at Vee and her jokes and jabs at Nora throughout, routing for Nora while she tries to figure everything out - even though Vee doesn't always go along with everything because its a bit out there, falling for Patch, uncomfortable with Elliot, and just overall  completely in love with the book.

And really this is about as much as I can give you without spoilers so I'll just shut the fuck up and you can go read it now. Okay? Good.